In April of 2006 Wilson J, Tate D. had found that MRSA survived up to 3 weeks on the surgical marking pens(1). As Recently as April 2012 the Health Care Infection Society altered their guidelines on “the facilities required for minor surgical procedures and minimal access interventions(2)” to emphasize single patient use even with skin markers. Even the barrel of a marker can contain harmful organisms(3)!
“A range of strategies and approaches have been developed... read the full story here at!
This doesn't just apply to the healthcare industry too, it's any field where there is person to person contact and potential open wounds/blood. I work in tattoo and I would NEVER re-use equipment that should/is tossed. Like the razors used to shave the area, or the skin marker I used to draw freehand. If it's a big thing and can be disinfected, I do that, but if it's cheap and I could toss it I would rather just throw it away than risk getting my client sick.