
Monday, July 28, 2014

5 questions you should ask yourself when selecting a skin marker

1. Sterile or non-sterile?

Are you marking within the operating room (sterile) or in your office or pre-op settings (non-sterile)? Check the product number. If there’s an “S” in the Viscot skin marker number that means the product is sterile, “SR” means sterile with a ruler. If you need rulers with your non-sterile marker we sell them sepreatly here.
2. What procedure am I doing?

Viscot Medical has a surgical skin marker to meet any clinical... Read the rest here!

Monday, July 14, 2014

From Outpatient Surgery News: About My Error

No surgeon wants to perform a wrong site surgery, and who would want to talk about it when they do? David Ring, MD, PhD has found talking about his error therapeutic: “Talking about it helped me heal. Talking about it helps other patients, other surgeons and their teams embrace a safety culture, adopt checklists and encourage each other to speak up.”

Dr. Ring’s error was...
Read the rest here!